[PROMPT] Bibles and Bribes

In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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Ignition never really visits the church of sulfur. Theres no real reason, either, he just never feels the need. He hears from Damon who does go more frequently than himself about the nuns and priests there. For some reason he has a perpetual dread of running into Oleander, those nerves may just be his own manifesting behind some weird form of 'educuated opinion'. He kicks a rock on his way down the path to the church, it skidding across the stone, rolling and crackling to a stop with a tiny 'tink' noise as it hits the edge of the step up to the doors. His hands are shoved deep into his pockets and he is very wary of whoever is around.

He has never felt the need to 'pray' to the demons who shaped their home and their world, really. In his mentality, what goes around comes around, and what you need to have you will have in time. After all he has his friends, and Aria [and as much as it pains him to admit it, Rowan, but they aren't exactly in a vulnerable crying on eachothers shoulders relationship right now] , and finally his explosives. Carats would be a nice thing to ask for but its ultimately shallow, and kind of stupid if he thinks about it on a deeper level. He opens one of the doors and slips inside, apparently a form of sermon is going on. He finds space to sit in the very back row which seems to be cleared, it is WAY more packed near the front. Good.

Ignition never thought he had reason to be in here. He has nothing odd to confess and if you think he's going to come to church to vent to a random priest or nun you are dead wrong. He lounges back over-comfortably in the row. Legs sitting far too forward and back far too slouched and relaxed, he TRIES to hone in his hearing on whats being said at the front. It is much harder to focus than he initially thought. In coming here, he imagined he would just 'see whats going on' and then dip out. At least if he stuck this out then he could tell Damon he actually went, and then probably knock him on the head or something for coming here so often. Maybe its some older tradition for him or whatever, but Ignition doesn't think Damon fits this kind of place at all.

Subconsciously he begins using the sermon as background noise, a lovely song for him to get lost in his own head to. Without even realising he ends up closing eyes just so he can hear his own mind clearer, and before you know it he is out like a light. His tail drags on the floor quietly, and thankfully he isn't a snorer so if anyone did notice him asleep, they didn't say anything and they certainly did not attempt to wake him before leaving. He woke up with a start, eyes squinting as they blinked open and eyebrows coming together in a frown. As he slowly pulls himself up and stands to stretch out all the kinks of his nap, his eyes drift to the front naturally,

There, the head nun Mercy seems to be doing something with the tithe box. Since Ignition never pays in, he shouldn't care too much but he considers maybe Damon has ONE TIME and thats enough for him to casually click on over. He seems to be barely taller than Mercy but its still height. He leans over their shoulder slowly and tilts his head. "Whatcha doin?"

Mercy jumps out of their robes almost, whipping round and immediately trying to concele their crime. Ignition raises an eyebrow and snorts a small scoff, hands returning to his pockets.

"I already saw ya take it, No use trying to hide it now"

Mercy glances him up and down, trying to get a read on how they can get out of this situation. Their eyes land on his horns, or rather his one horn and other broken horn. The flame reflects briefly in their eyes as they look back down at Ignitions face slowly.

"Look. If you keep your mouth shut-" Mercy begins but Ignition being Ignition, he cuts them off.

"Not very like me, but go on."

"-..I can give you some carats or food or.." Mercy glances briefly down at the crotch area of his cargos with implication. Ignition laughs into his hand a little.

"Yeah just give me a snack so i can go please i don't want to even try to explain any of this to Oleander i would rather be in a grave."

Mercy seems...surprised by this answer. Of all things they offer, MOST dolls take the sexual option...especially ones who come intentionally to the church of sulfur. They almost seem relieved in Ignitions decision to want food instead of...anything else. Ignition stands very content to wait as Mercy finally stops shielding the tithe box and takes it with them to the back. They return without it of course but instead they have in their hands a fruit salad bowl. It seems recently made too, He was honestly expecting like a mouldy oat bar or something similar to that like an old stale dango. This, though?, This he would GLADLY take in a heartbeat.

"Ok cool, Have fun with your stealing Mx Mercy, Bye!" Ignition waves half-heartedly as he skips out of the church and Mercy grimaces with slight anguish. Man. They have GOT to start being more careful.

[PROMPT] Bibles and Bribes
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In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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Submitted By satyrn for Bibles and Bribes
Submitted: 11 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 11 months and 1 week ago

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