Sleepy Gifting

In Prompts ・ By zachberrie
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Why didn't I start this sooner?
Pyxis wondered as he tried to finish up several stitches. He spent most of the month daydreaming, and now he has to rush to finish up this gift. In a medium he's not well versed in, no less! Not that there's much he can do now- he doesn't have time to start a carving instead of this. He has to stick with what he has going. Sure, he could get something from the store, and that wouldn't have the same amount of thought.
Just a few more, and my hands could have a break...
He ties off the last stitch, setting his needle aside. He lets out a breath and stands- finished creation in hand. "Now where did I put that b-" He starts to think aloud but is interrupted as he feels tentacles slapping at his hooves. He looks down to see his Thulu, Puppis, continuing to try and get his attention. "Huh? What's up, Pup?" He questions, tilting his head. The shadowy imp looks up at him, waving its tentacles toward the archway leading to the living room. As Pyxis tries to process this, there is the sound of scuffling, crinkling plastic, and squeaking. "What was that?!" He nearly drops the plush in his arms right on Puppis, but the imp quickly slithers to the side- wanting to avoid getting squished.
Pyxis wastes no time trying to find the source of the noise, stepping into the living room with Puppis in tow. Once inside, he spots the large, white, and red gift bag in which he intends to put his gift to Shibani. However, instead of it being empty, he found that the other three of his imps had made themselves comfy in it. Upon closer inspection, he discovers that the crying was coming from Hesper, who was trying to get past his other two imps, Vela and Carina, who were in a deep slumber and blocking her escape. He chuckles, reaching into the bag to gently pull each creature out. 
Hesper chirps happily, glad to be free from her confinement, while the other two continue to snuggle once they settle- almost as if they were never disturbed in the first place. Once he is sure all his imps are comfortable, Pyxis puts his present in the bag, along with some tissue paper.
Whew! Done... Now let's get go-
He starts to turn, ready to get to the dango shop, only to once again feel slapping on his hooves. "Yes, Pup, you can come with me." He says, smiling down at the Thulu, which lifts its tentacles in response, asking to get carried. Pyxis chuckles and picks up the cephalopod- putting it on his shoulder.
The doorbell jingles as he enters, greeting him with a light tone. He steps closer to the counter with the till and looks around- trying to his fellow sloth bun. "Shibani?" He calls, stepping away from the counter and towards the back of the store. "Hello?"
"Hm..?" A sleepy voice answers. "Who is it...?"
"Pyxis! Just wanted to drop by to drop a little something off!"
"Ooh! Gimme a sec- I was comfy..."
"No rush- I totally get it." Pyxis giggles, moving his bag from one hand to the other so he can reach up to pet the Puppis. He really hoped that Shibani would like his gift- it would make the crunch time he spent so worth it.
After a few moments, a familiar white bun steps out from behind a corner- rubbing sleep from his eyes. "What did you bring? Something Dan ordered or..?"
"It's for you, actually!" Pyxis chirps, holding the bag out to the shorter man.
"For me..?" Shibani murmurs, taking the bag with a puzzled expression.
"Yep! Happy birthday, Shibani!" 
"O-oh! Thank you..!" He smiles, looking between the bag that shared his colors and the watery bun before him. His tired gaze settles back onto the bag, and he reaches inside- fingers brushing against paper and soft fabric. He lets out a small gasp and pulls out a white plush... "Bearly..?"
"Yeah! I thought it would be fun to cuddle when napping. It's not the best ever- but it did come out cute."
"Well, I certainly think its snuggle worthy!" Shibani replies, holding the bear close. "I love it- Thank you!"


Sleepy Gifting
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In Prompts ・ By zachberrie

Wakey wakey its time for birthday !!

Submitted By zachberrie
Submitted: 11 months and 5 days agoLast Updated: 11 months and 5 days ago

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