[PROMPT] Prey and Praise

In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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It was a pretty regular day for Ignition. He had initially set out this morning to take Detonate for a walk. As ridiculously prideful and stonefaced that his Bonezo was, He was not above a walk. The imp was fairly small in comparison to Ignitions doll form but he didn't mind all that much, It just meant that when the little guy inevitably got tuckered out that he could hold him. Either that or he could scoop him up and let him snooze on his shoulder or something. He would put him up on his head but...Ignitions balance is not very good, and theres a flame up there!

As he was shuffling along, he managed to quite literally and physically bump into someone. He jumps back with a start, regret immediately washing over him. "Shit, Sorry-"

He pauses a little as it seems that he had barrelled into Hutch, The imp adoption owner. They seem a little out of sorts, It makes Ignition stop himself to take pause. Thankfully Detonate has no qualms with this, as he is obviously familiar with who Hutch is.

"No no, Its fine. My fault after all, Rushing around like this haha.."

Hutch is....usually socially awkward. This goes without saying for most buns. You meet him, You get the gist of him right away. This is not meant in an insulting manner on Ignitions end, More of an obvious and clear thing to pick up on. "You okay? You seem a little...frantic."

Hutch sighs and readjusts their glasses, glancing back to Ignition as they straighten up and dust themselves off a little. Their leash swings along with their body, swaying to a stop once they're fully upright again. "Its just...with the adoptions lately i seem to be getting low on imps, So i was intending to go out and tame some more so i can get them rehomed but its been a little...much..? To do by myself as of late."

Ignition pauses for a moment to take in what the other doll is saying and then smiles "Well i'm sure me and Detonate can help plenty. We've got fuckall-else to do today anyway!"

Hutch brightens a little "Really?! That would be such a huge help i have everything ready and such its just having the extra pair of hands would really really be good-" They begin to speak in a hurried manner, Its a lot like what Ignition does when he's excited. He puts a hand up a little in motion for them to slow down and, you know, BREATHE, and they take the note with a small nod.

Now alongside Hutch, Ignition and Detonate are carefully creeping towards a small clearing, theres a berry bush wall on the other side and there is sure to be an imp or two exploring that fact.

"Just as i suspected!" Ignition whispered with a confident grin on his face. There was a small Loafki pawing at one of the berries near the bottom. He glances towards Hutch. "OK, Imp-master. How do we tackle this?"

"Usually i would suggest tracking for a while before attempting to tame or capture, But since its a Loafki its very unlikely it will move from this spot for a while. They tend to relax in spots for maybe even hours at a time!" They announce this information proudly to Ignition in a quiet tone. To be honest, He IS easily impressed, but the knowledge is just genuinely impressive outside of that.

"So. In terms of capture. I could just send Detonate to spook it but that feels kind of super cruel and not at all The Move, So what else would you suggest we do?"

Hutch's brows furrow together briefly, as they try to think of the best way to tackle this specific imp. Reginald, Hutchs own imp, contently sits on their shoulder, the end of their leash contently in one of its claws. "To be honest, They tend to be very wary and antsy of anybody. I don't think it would bolt, because it wouldn't get very far, but i think we really need to approach with caution."

"So, Sneak and grab is probably the best option?" Ignition nods confidently, and Hutch gives a silent nod of agreement. They begin to shift quietly and carefully around the edges of the bushes, keeping hidden while also closing the gap between the group and the wild imp. "Shouldn't we have like a signal?"

"A signal? For what?" Hutch asks, not following Ignitions trail of logic. Ignition snorts and rolls his eyes.

"Like, One so we know to jump and capture at the same time. I think we should go with 'caw', Thats totally incognito."

"S-sure, We can do that" Hutch does not see the merit of this, But he is certainly going to go along with it.

They get as close as they can before they reach a limit of 'way too obvious'. Ignition waits, watching, like a predator stalking prey. Then he leaps out of the bushes with a surprising level of grace, letting out a "CAW"

Chaos ensues. Ignition leaps out and misses the Loafki entirely, barrelling into the opposite bushes side. Hutch moves out with less confidence and vigor and more delicate caution. The Loafki does not bolt, just as Hutch said it wouldn't, but it eyes them all with a high level of fright and suspicion. Hutch places the cage down and makes sure its open. They try to approach slow and careful but once they hit what the imp considered as 'too close' it began to nimbly shuffle in an opposite direction.

This leads to Hutch and Reginald trying to follow after it as it dodges and rolls in ways that, Honestly Ignition is surprised to come back and witness. Since the imp was so distracted with Hutch, He grabs the cage, Slides over in front of it and lets the Loafki run right into it. He clicks the cage shut with a content smile. Detonate is lazing on the ground close to the berry bush. Not a care in the world. Hutch huffs a little tiredly and smiles gently "Thank you"

"Welcome! Let's get this guy back to the shop and maybe we can try this again another time, right?"


[PROMPT] Prey and Praise
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In Prompts ・ By satyrn
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Submitted By satyrn for Prey and Praise
Submitted: 11 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 11 months and 2 weeks ago

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