Anna and Lydia's Blind Date

In Prompts ・ By Peony
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Lydia had chosen one of the most prestigious cafes in Burrowgatory for her blind date. After all, she was a succubun with taste, and during the few moments she had time off of work, she enjoyed getting to relax in a cafe that served her favorite beverages—hot ones. The cafe was filled with the lovely aroma of brewing coffee, tea, and various other specialty drinks, and Lydia sat herself down at a table by the windowside, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her blind date. Admittedly, she was a little bit nervous, but that wouldn’t stop her from going through with it. 

Every time she heard someone enter the coffee shop, her head turned towards the door, but when she noticed another succubun approaching her, her floppy ears perked ever so slightly and she waved the other over. “Hi— um, are you also here for the blind date?” she asked, her voice soft and gentle.

Blind dates were not a common occurrence with Anna, but Matentines often led one to do crazy things, and with everyone getting into the trend, it seemed nice to try to connect with more buns outside of her little circle of…well, not fuck buddies, now that she thought about it. Something more romantic was a nice change of pace, but she wouldn’t mind if it decided to head to something else.

Now, her date had chosen a cafe this time around; she’d think it quaint if it weren’t for the fact that the shop itself is famous amongst Burrowgatory. Counting her carats and hoping she had enough, she opened the door and let the small of coffee wash over her. While not a connoisseur by any means, she could appreciate a good cup of coffee, or tea? She preferred coffee, yes. The bun glanced around to see if there was a single bun waiting for her, matching the picture on the little profile.

There she is! Clutching her sling bag strap, she approached the waving bun and would then nod once she was in proximity. “Yes, and I presume you’re Lydia?” she looked cuter in real life than in the picture. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” she said with a grin, taking her hand to shake it before taking a seat.

Lydia smiled in return, nodding. “Yes, that’s me— and you must be Anna. It’s very nice to meet you as well,” she replied, standing up and extending a hand for Anna to shake. She was wearing a vibrant blue overcoat covering a sweater and a pencil skirt—perhaps her attire was a bit warm for the spring season and a place like Burrowgatory, but Lydia was particular about her fashion and enjoyed the look of it very much, finding that the blue overcoat complemented her horns and ears rather well. She hoped the outfit was presentable; Anna did look very cute, after all, and Lydia admittedly wouldn’t mind impressing her with her own appearance.

Anna had to make sure that the runaway thoughts she was having of something not safe for work would not overtake her mind. This seemed like it was going to pan out to be a perfectly chill blind date, which was great! She told herself she needed to unwind from time to time, not constantly chase after the next high. She asked for a menu from a passing waiter before turning her attention back to the other bun. “Did I keep you waiting long? Sorry if I did, I did get a little lost along the way.” she said with a small awkward laugh. “Truth be told, I haven’t been here before. What would you recommend?”

To her, she thought that she should look prim and proper, to actually have their coffee. However, she couldn’t deny that the slices of cake looked very tempting…

Lydia tapped her chin in contemplation, thinking about Anna’s question. “If you like coffee, they have a lot of good lattes and macchiatos here—or, so I’m told. I don’t tend to have coffee very often myself. Their tea is fantastic, though… I love their chai in particular, and their chamomile is lovely.” She couldn’t help but enthuse about tea in particular, given it was one of her favorite beverages; she let out a soft little chuckle under her breath, hoping that wasn’t too off-putting to ramble about. 

She was sure to add on, “Oh, and the cake is very good as well. I’m partial to carrot cake.” Maybe it was the bunny in her.

After a pause, she added on, “Don’t worry about being late—you were on time. I’d only been here for a few moments. Also– if you’d like, um, I’d be happy to pay. My treat, and all.”

Idly, Anna would play a bit with her ear while holding the menu. “I always heard that there are many benefits to tea. Those both sound like lovely teas.” she said with a soft smile. Admittedly, the drinks she often had at home were either plain old water or something more on the sugary side. It didn’t surprise her that such a prim and proper looking bun also liked something that complemented it. She would raise her brows at the mention of cake, however. Ah, she was not immune to sweets.

“I’m more of a sponge caramel cake bun, but carrot sounds yummy!” the thought of it immediately washed away any distracting thoughts. “Oh, and I’m glad that I didn’t take too long. But oh no, I insist we split the bill!” she gestured, “The items here are pretty pricey, after all…”

Lydia nodded eagerly, her tail whipping around enthusiastically—fortunately, the chair she was sitting on had enough room so that she wouldn’t accidentally smack any passersby with it. “Only if you’re certain,” she replied—admittedly, she was a greed bun, so the instinct to hold onto her carats ran deep within her, but she didn’t mind paying if it meant the blind date would go amicably. The idea of splitting, however, was much more tempting than all paying at once…

“I’d be happy to split the bill, in that case,” she replied. “Sponge caramel cake does admittedly sound tasty… shall I go and order some for us now? Or, would you like to go to the counter together and order?”

“Oh! I didn’t realize we had to go to the counter. I can wait for you here, someone would need to watch over the table, after all. Thank you kindly.” she couldn’t help but still feel kind of nervous about the whole thing, but after the order was placed, there was not much else to do but chat about their day, letting the topics jump from one point to the next whenever it seemed appropriate. As she let her words roll she did start to relax a little, not swishing and twitching her tail so much and her shoulders loosening. 

The arrival of the cake only made things easier, and the whole thing was rather amicable. The cake was great too! Certainly a higher quality cake than she was used to, and she thought to herself that she should savor it since when would be a time she could come here again (on her own?) Though really, sometimes having a day with a much slower pace felt nice, and she was lucky that the bun she got to spend it with matched what she needed.

Anna and Lydia's Blind Date
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In Prompts ・ By Peony

This was such a fun roleplay! Thanks for collaborating with me!

Submitted By steviatea for Blind Date 2023View Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 3 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 3 months ago

Peony: Roleplay
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