Costume Party with Honey, Prima, and Amour

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It was probably blatantly obvious how excited Honey was for the costume party he was attending at Wonderland Casino. He could not seem to contain his bouncy energy for even a moment as he darted around his house, from one room to another, with armloads of fabric and accessories for his best friends/lovers. He had practically demanded/begged to be in charge of their outfits for the party and now that he had his two favorite Succubuns in all of Burrowgatory in his home he felt like he was floating on cloud nine. In his flighty darting about, he could catch little snippets of conversation between Prima and Amour that made him smile. It was rare for the two of them to be in the same place at the same time, usually hanging out with Honey separately, and he was maybe a little giddy over it.

Finally, Honey returned to the living room with his armloads and a beaming smile. “You guys are going to love them! I made them myself!” The pride Succubun carefully laid out the costumes on the unoccupied couch. To the left was an elegant vampire costume: a classic Victorian suit composed of a ruffle blouse and perfectly matched waistcoat and slacks with a bat motif in gold. To the right was a cute, fluffy doll costume: a pretty soft pink dress with puffed sleeves and a big puffed skirt, artfully splattered with fake blood and paired with sheer tights to make it look like Prima had doll joints. “Here! I made these for you guys! Try them on!” Prima giggled and Amour playfully rolled his eyes.

“We will, no need to rush, dear. We still have plenty of time.” Amour gently smiled at him and began to strip.

“But if we get there early, we get first dibs on seats!” Prima declared, turning for Honey to help zip her into her dress. “Honey! You need to get dressed too.”

“I’ll get dressed after I get you two all dolled up, promise,” he replied absentmindedly as he adjusted her dress and smiled once it sat perfectly on her body. “So pretty! You look so beautiful!” He couldn’t resist pulling her into an excited hug. Then he shifted to Amour and began fussing with his waistcoat, making sure the tails of it draped properly and the buttons were well aligned. Honey smoothed his hands down Amour’s chest and smiled up at him. “It looks perfect! Ooh I’m so excited! Let me get dressed and I’ll do your makeup!” He giggled and practically skipped to his room to grab his own costume. It had taken a lot of thought for him to come up with it. He hadn’t wanted to stand apart from the group and he had unintentionally given both Prima’s and Amour’s costumes very blatant Victorian themes so his had to have Victorian influences as well. Honey had flip-flopped through various ideas, from a nurse to a nun to a maid, until he finally settled on a Victorian witch, complete with a bustle because how could he not give a Victorian witch a bustle? That would be blasphemy! Honey’s dress was black with many silver and charcoal gray accents, an overly large yet fashionable witch’s hat completing the look.

He giggled and gave a twirl to show it off to Prima’s cheering and Amour’s approving gaze. “Sit! Sit! I need to do your makeup!” Honey grabbed his makeup palettes and brushes and corralled Prima back to the couch. She turned on the couch to sit sideways and he plopped down in front of her, between her and Amour. The taller Succubun shifted closer and loosely wrapped an arm around Honey’s waist, resting his chin on his shoulder to watch.

“What are you thinking?” Amour asked, his voice tickling the blond’s ear pleasantly.

“Well, Prima’s a doll so she needs something soft and pretty, but she’s also a haunted doll so she needs something dark and bold. So I was thinking about using some of my petal pink eyeshadow to match her dress and some clear gloss for her lips, then some smudged black under her eyes to give them a sort of hollow, ringed look and using some of my reds to give the illusion of dried bloody tears. Maybe a lot of blush on her cheeks like how old porcelain dolls used to look. Prima, thoughts?”

“Oh I love it! Maybe you could draw some cracks on my face too with the black? That could be cool!”

“Yes! I love that!” Honey set to work, focusing intently on her makeup until he was satisfied with how it came out. She looked both adorable and spooky and he loved it. “Go check in the mirror and see what you think.” Prima nodded and hopped to her feet, practically skipping to the mirror in excitement. The squeal she let out was music to his ears and Honey grinned. “Like it?”

“Like it? No! I love it!” Honey and Prima giggled as she pulled him into a fierce hug. Honey turned, shifting his skirts to face Amour comfortably.

“Your turn. I’m going to give you some black and red eyeshadow and black eyeliner, then some dark red lipstick. And of course make it look like fake blood is coming from the corners of your mouth.”

“Sounds good to me,” Amour replied so Honey settled in and started working his magic. The black eye makeup first, then lined in red for an extra pop and to match his hellfire flames. Dark red lipstick and then the illusion of fake blood. He couldn’t resist adding a little heartbeat in red on his cheek like Amour’s favorite shirts tended to have.

“Open,” Honey ordered gently, helping Amour with his vampire fangs. Satisfied that everything looks perfect, he grinned and shooed Amour away. “Go look!” Amour chuckled but obeyed and headed for the mirror. He smiled softly and looked back at Honey.

“I love it. Thank you. Anything we need before we head out?”

“Nope! Let’s go! I want to get there and get a good table for us!” Prima declared. Honey paused, earnestly considering the answer before replying.

“No, I think we’re fine.” Honey and Prima grabbed their purses and each looped an arm around one of Amour’s, Prima with a playful grin and Honey with a shy but delighted one. All connected and excited, they left Honey’s home for the Wonderland Casino’s party.

Costume Party with Honey, Prima, and Amour
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In Prompts ・ By BattyIntentions

Honey, Amour, and Prima get ready for a costume party together.

Submitted By BattyIntentions for Costume Party 2023View Favorites
Submitted: 11 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

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