Dear diary: my first phloof.

In Prompts ・ By Stigs
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Dear diary,

Holland reporting in again. Today, I want to get a few things off my chest - a miniature adventure, now with my first companion. No, not my last partner.. he and I were good as romps, but more and more, I'm discovering my natural nature as a succubun doll in that just one partner isn't good nor healthy for me. Plus, Harley takes care of all my needs for me now. Not a bad deal, I'd say. But this isn't about that today, my dear journal. This is about something else entirely.

When I first went to the Imporium, I was awash in awe and wonder; although I'd lived here my whole life in the burrow, I had never before owned a pet. I hadn't been interested in one. Plus, I've just not had the time. Now, though? Now was different. I had been yearning for a tag-along of my very own for quite a long while at this point, and in the end, the sales manager at the Imporium had done a good job of convincing me what I needed.

A Phloof.

It wasn't what I had expected, and the name sounded a bit silly, but those inky dark horns and beady little eyes of light had me entranced the moment I laid eyes upon her. I deciided to name her Divanya, and we went home together, her in her little imp carrier, and me by foot. I preferred them over cloven hooves, as they made me feel more able to traverse the terrain with ease. My natural feet were not as such, and it was a shame, but, I'll take doll feet over tripping face-first any day!

Once home, it hit me then and there, for a split second, that I might've made a mistake. I quickly learned that Phloofs shed lint by the basketfull when stressed, and in her new home, Divanya had already coated my bed, my miniature shrine I used for worship, AND my carat safe! Luckily, I loved her already, and with a few soothing pets and spoken-word comedowns, she was calm in my arms again and the shedding stopped.

I'd heard many buns used odd methods, like lint magnets and certain types of static-clings to catch the fallen fluff, but here, in he safety of my burrow, I learned how to care for my Phloof sooner than I'd thought, and quicker than others in my young-adult age-range had when owning their pets for the first-time.

All it took was a little reassurance, attention, and care; the very same things I found myself needing since I was young. The very same things most envy buns would have thought were simply illusions meant to taunt them; the things I had even thought at the time, before I reined them in and narrowly managed to avoid my horns contorting; at least, I was always afraid they would contort.  So f ar, they stayed their normal selves and I was untouched - save for the bruise Harley left on my thighs the other day with her heart cutout paddle. But I think that was a different kind of touch than I was meaning at first.. sorry for rambling, diary, I'm just so excited to own my precious new Phloof, who by now, has fallen fast asleep in her carrier.

Maybe one day she can fall asleep in my bed with me, in my arms, or in a little nest of her very own that I've just now set out to make. I think all it takes is a little patience to care for these unholy divine creature. I just feel like this is the start of a beginning; something new to walk through with my Phloof. In me, she has awakened my desire to hoard and collect pets! I've always been shy, but maybe I can practice talking to an audience this way, with my new darlings and their companions.. when I adopt them, at least, anyway! It'll take some time, but I want to start a life filled with joy and laughter, shared amongst my new makeshift imp-family.

And.. I think, I really do think, that I can do that. For Divanya, my first companion, anything is possible, and I have a feeling we'll be inseperable now that I've conquered this first step to my imp-inclusive future..

Dear diary: my first phloof.
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In Prompts ・ By Stigs
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Submitted By Stigs for My First Imp
Submitted: 11 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 11 months and 3 weeks ago

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