Sculptured Sweetheart

3 Favorites ・ 0 Comments

My very first proper sculpture! I decided to craft my baby Eros using paper clay. The internal base was made with aluminum foil and the tail was reinforced with wire. I used acrylic paints to color him as accurately as I could muster with some more wire for the accessories as well as a couple layers of protective sealant so that the paint wouldn't fade as fast in the sun. This was a very interesting project and I learned alot! ^v^

Sculptured Sweetheart
3 ・ 0
In Toy Fair Craft Challenge ・ By KurimiTea
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Submitted By KurimiTea for Toy Fair Craft ChallengeView Favorites
Submitted: 9 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 9 months and 1 week ago

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