Prince Practice

In Prompts ・ By Desphiria
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“Okay Frank, today, I’m going to teach you how to be the best prince you can be.” Fatima declared, standing in front of her Bearly imp, wearing her lingerie gown.
Frank stared at Fatima, tilting his head.
“Now to begin your training, you’re gonna need this.” She placed a small toy crown on the Bearly’s head, then stepped back, moving her head side to side to inspect her handy work.
The toy crown looked too big and too small at the same time.
“Hmm… maybe not that.” Fatima looked around her room then sighed.
“Everything in here looks too big for you. I guess I’ll have to find something for you to wear later. But for now!” She walked over to the scepter, sitting on the chair and grabbed it.
“For now, we’ll just work on your princely movements.” She nodded firmly, gently patting the scepter against her hand.

“For your first lesson, I’m going to teach you how to walk like a prince. Are you ready, Frank?!”
Frank blinked his big eyes slowly.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Fatima laughed softly then stood in front of him.
“Now, to walk like royalty, you have to keep your back straight with your chest puffed out just a little bit, and make sure your arms are at your side the whole time and hold your head up high.” Fatima demonstrated.
“Now, you try.”
Frank watched as Fatima demonstrated again, then… did absolutely nothing. The Bearly continued to stare at his owner unmoving.
“Oh come on Frank, if you do this I’ll give you some sweet honey as a treat and I’ll take you to the park tomorrow so you can climb the trees. How does that sound?”
Frank tilted his head, staring ever forward. But Fatima knew her little Bearly was thinking about her offer.
“I’ll even bake you a whole apple pie?”
Frank’s ears perked up at that.
“Haha! I knew you would like that. Okay so, just copy me. We’ll start with the posture.” Fatima began demonstrating again, her tail gently wrapped around her leg.


Frank watched Fatima closely, standing up as straight as he could, even though he needed a bit of help since he was leaning back a bit since he had his chest puffed out a bit too much; stubby arms straight against his side.
“Very good! Hmm…you need to be a bit more natural in your stance though.” Fatima walked over and straightened him out a bit then stepped back.
“Ah, perfect!” She made her way over to a shelf and grabbed a clear plastic bag, full of treats then handed one to Frank for him to munch on.
“Next, I’ll teach you how to walk with pride.” Fatima walked forward a few steps, in the same stance she had just taught to Frank.
“You have to keep your chin up but also your head leveled so you can look down at your loyal subjects. Don’t worry, they won’t get mad at you for it I promise. Now you try. Walk towards me.”
Frank nodded then waddled his way over to her, almost falling over before she ran to catch him.
Fatima laughed softly as she gently patted his head. “Maybe your head was held a bit too high but you did good.” She hands him another treat.
“Hmm, what else do I have to teach you? Oh I know! You have to learn how to bow properly. It’s the most royal way to say goodbye. Plus, it’s very polite.”


After helping Frank stand up, Fatima stepped back a bit.
“Since you’re a prince, you have to bow like this.” She said, demonstrating how to do a noble bow.
“Legs together with your feet apart, then you sweep your arm like this and place it against your chest, with one foot behind the other and bend forward. Here I’ll help since you have little legs and arms.”
Frank watched Fatima walk towards him, then allowed him to help her. Carefully she pushed his legs together, then she gently took his arm and placed it against his chest, then helped him lean forward a tiny bit while moving one of his stubby legs back, while also lifting his head.
“There you go! You got it! Good job Frank, you’re a natural at this!” Fatima complimented, picking the little imp up and kissing his forehead.
“The last thing I probably need to teach you is the wave. It’s the easiest one because you just wave like this.” She said, turning her hand every time she waved, fingers together.
Frank looked at his paw, then followed Fatima’s movements, but it only resulted in a very normal wave.
Fatima giggled softly and smiled.
“I think you nailed it.” She kissed the Bearly’s nose then gave him one more treat.
“I think that’s enough practice for today. What do you say, I bake that apple pie I promised and then we relax at home for the rest of the day?”
Frank growled happily, clinging to his owner since she was still carrying him.
“Great. Let’s go. I’m starving.” Fatima says, making her way out of the room and towards the kitchen.

Prince Practice
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In Prompts ・ By Desphiria

Fatima teaches Frank how to be just as prideful as she is by teaching him the ways of a prince.

Word Count: 862

Submitted By Desphiria for Bun's Best Friend
Submitted: 1 year and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 weeks ago

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