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Nights and Bites

Nights and Bites

Category: NPC Prompts

Meet Succubuns NPC Timothy, the blood bank administrator.


Perpetually exhausted vampire Timothy works the night shift at Burrowgatory Hill Hospital's blood bank, a position of greatly increased relevance ever since vampires began living openly among Burrowgatory. He distributes blood transfusions to vampires who prefer to live on donations, and handles the vampire groupies who turn up to donate at night.

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive bonus carats, along with a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.


Option 1: Night Shift
Ever since Timothy became the vampire liason at Burrowgatory Hill Hospital's blood bank, his previously slow night shifts have become very busy, and he could always use an extra hand. Depict your succubun acting as Timothy's secretary or assistant at the blood bank, fetching things or taking down notes as he performs administrative tasks.

Rewards: Timothy's Clipboard

Option 2: Blood Buds
Though the blood bank still primarily collects blood for medical use, many of the nighttime clientele are either vampires looking for a meal, or vampire fans hoping to be someone's dinner. Depict your mortal succubun donating blood to Timothy, either through an IV at the hospital, or by letting him bite them off the clock.

OR: Depict your vampire succubun receiving blood bags from Timothy at the hospital, or drinking donated blood with him off the clock.

Rewards: Timothy's Thermos

These rewards go directly into your succubun's inventory. Once your succubun owns one of Timothy's trinkets, you can earn a bonus 5 carats when depicting that succubun in a piece with Timothy.


Art Requirements: Minimum 2 full body buns OR 2 half body dolls (your bun and Timothy), a simple background
Writing Requirements:  Minimum 800 words

Please submit your entry to the Prompt Gallery. (If you prefer to keep your art private, you may upload it to an external host and link it in Submit Prompt.)


This prompt may be completed once with each succubun you own.


Reward Amount
Carats 30
Timothy’s Clipboard 1
Timothy’s Thermos 1

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