All Prompts

Dango 101

Dango 101

Category: Unlock Prompts

Dan has offered to teach you how to cook his signature dango.


Dan is interested in someday taking on a mochi-pounding apprentice, but his standards are far too high to make it an easy search. He's decided to give lessons on making dango—a less labor-intensive rice dumpling that's made with a rice flour dough, rather than pounding whole rice—in order to search for potential candidates. If you do well enough, he may send you home with some dango ingredients to keep practicing.

For this prompt, depict your succubun, an NPC, or another bun (with the owner's permission) in Dan's confectionery workshop as he shows them how to cook dango.


Art Requirements: Minimum 2 half-body dolls OR 2 full-body buns (your succubun and Dan), an item from the Dango category
Writing Requirements:  Minimum 400 words


Reward: Dan's Recipe Book, Dango Stick, Rice Flour

Please post your entry to the Prompt Gallery before submitting. (If you prefer to keep your art private, you may upload it to an external host and link it in Submit Prompt.)

This prompt can be completed once per user.


Reward Amount
Dan’s Recipe Book 1
Dango Stick 1
Rice Flour 1

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