Bug fixes

Posted 1 year and 4 months ago :: Last edited 1 year and 4 months ago by Yves

Greetings all!
As I'm sure you're all aware, there have been a large number of bugs that have cropped up since our update on June 30th!

One of them may have edited your user wishlists, so please make sure you check them all out!
If you're still experiencing any of these issues, please let us know!

  • Biggest one: Users default wishlists should now be working for all users.
  • Pets can now be added to wishlists again. If you previously had a pet on your wishlist, it has likely been swapped for an item. Please review your wishlists to confirm that they only have what you want on them!
  • User shops now allow users to add all items that are intended to be sellable
  • User shops should no longer show the option for users to transfer non-transferrable items when in the inventory
  • The mini clock is back!
  • Pet names should display the correct amount of times
  • Usershops can now be sorted by newest/by oldest
  • No users should have issues viewing the errands page, even if they had a previously unclaimed errand from hazebloom harvest!
  • The errands page shouldn't auto refresh every second for some uses.

And finally, just in case... I somehow managed to say January during yesterday's warning of upcoming downtime. Downtime will be happening JULY 4th at 2:00pm site time. Please plan accordingly and thank you for your patience with the succubuns team during this time of extra errors!


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